Adult Discipleship



What is It?

The goal of our Discipleship program is to produce and reproduce committed followers of Jesus Christ. This Biblically based program is designed to give people a solid foundation in the Word of God through personal, loving relationships within the local church. If you desire a deeper walk with God, a fuller knowledge of His Word, and a stronger connection within your local church, then Adult Discipleship is for you!

What Should I Expect?

Discipleship at Hopewell Baptist Church is simple. Once enrolled, you will be partnered up one-on-one with a church member who is a student of the Word of God. Simply bring a pen, a Bible, and an open heart. Your partner will disciple you for approximately four months through our Daily in the Word curriculum. Along the way, you are able to ask questions, share prayer requests, and discuss how the Lord is moving in your life. Upon completion of the program, you will receive a certificate and be recognized during our regular Wednesday night service.

When Does it Meet?

Adult Discipleship meets for one hour every Wednesday night from 7:00-8:00 PM. We meet in the church’s Fellowship Hall during our regular midweek service. Our nursery is available during this time for those with little ones.

Interested in Enrolling?

Please call our church office at (707) 252-0332 or email Jonathan Ray, our adult discipleship director, by filling out the form below.

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